MA’S LITTLE PAWS is a small USDA licensed and inspected kennel. We have been breeding dogs since 1997 and breeding Shiba Inu since 1999. We are a retired couple who love animals; dogs being among our favorite. We enjoy having the puppies around to play with. They are like our 14 grandchildren, who also enjoy playing with the puppies, and we can spoil them and send them home. We only raise Shiba Inu in the past but we have raised other breeds as well. All of our puppies are registered with or APRI.
Our adult dogs are housed in heated and air conditioned buildings where they have lots of room and are able to go in and out when they want. We do not force any female to have puppies. We prefer to let Mother Nature do its work and provide us with puppies when the Mother is ready to have a litter. The puppies are whelped in special heated and air control whelping buildings in large pens with heat control whelp beds. The puppies are cared for two to three times daily. We do whatever is necessary to make sure that the puppy you purchase from us is healthy and well socialized.
As an Arkansas Dog Breeder, we have an exceptionally good working relationship with our veterinaries. They provide the vet checks and health certificates for the puppies before shipping or delivery and they also take care of our adult breeders and what ever medical care they need.
Grover & Theresa


Emma getting her pep talk about having her picture taken for Papa

Ma’s Little Paws is a secure website providing a safe and responsible way for you to puppy shop on line. We do not share your personal information with anyone else.
We do all our payments through PayPal giving you the freedom of choice and security. Using PayPal is safe and easy with Ma’s Little Paws. No existing PayPal account or experience is required. You get easy to follow instructions with an email invoice and you will have safe anonymous payment options to choose from.
Your puppy was raised by us to be healthy and strong. Your puppy will do just fine traveling via AMERICAN AIRLINE to your city in the United States (including Alaska and Canada if weather permits).
Airfare Cost is $350.00 and it is included in the price of puppy. This amount covers the airfare, travel crate, and Vet.
Health Certificate
Your Puppy will travel in a Medium #3 Travel Crate. The crate will have shredded paper and a food/water bowl.
Our mission at Ma’s Little Paws is to deliver accurate and true information regarding what we believe to be the best puppies found anywhere.
By placing a deposit or purchasing one of our puppies, you are agreeing to our Guarantee/Contract.
If you would like to send pictures of you and your puppy in an email format, please feel free to do so. We will post them in our photo album. We would also like to receive pictures of your puppy when grown. This way, someone can look at what the puppy could grow up to look like.
We microchip all of our puppies when pictures are taken to make sure you receive the puppy you want. There will be a Microchip ID registration form in the puppy pack to transfer the ID number.
You will receive a health certificate from are vet. You will also receive a medical record of the vaccinations and wormers that your puppy have been given by us.
You will receive the registration paper and pedigree on the day of arrival. This and all other information will be in an envelope wire tied or taped to crate.
If you should have any problems with the adjustment of bringing your new baby home, please don`t hesitate to call or email us. We are always glad to help you out and talk to you. Who else knows the breed and the puppy you have better than the breeder you purchased your new baby puppy from. If something should happen and you can no longer keep the dog, please let us know so we can take him/her back to find them a new home. Please, no shelters or city humane society. Let us know first.
Phone: 479-965-6367
Email: GroverF1@zimbracloud.com
The Shiba is the oldest of the Japanese dogs. Shiba in Japanese means small or brushwood. By the end of World War II, the Shiba breed was close to extinction and the three bloodlines that were left were bred to insure the survival of the breed. The shiba breed has caught on quickly. Today, it is the most popular breed in Japan and becoming very popular in the United States. On JUNE 1, 1993 the Shiba Inu won the American Kennel Club recognition as a member of the Non-Sporting Group.
Shibas can be very good companions and family pets, but they are not a breed for everyone. They do come from the Spitz breed and can be very independent. As an owner, you will get many compliments. A Shiba will draw a lot of attention and open doors to many social encounters. You will here a lot of comments like “They look like a fox!” In fact, it is the foxy looks that can get Shibas in trouble. They are very independent and clean. They do not have body odors like most dogs.
A Shiba is very smart and has a great memory. They will alert you to anything out of place around the house. They will think they are smarter than you and will most likely only obey you when it suits them. Many Shibas have an attitude but you must “Never give up, Never surrender.” They are very loyal and loving to their family. You, as an owner, have to keep in mind that they come from a pack breed and they will think their family is their pack. They will try to be dominate over you so you have to let them know that you are the Alpha dog in order to keep control of them or they will be telling you what to do. They are easy to house train. When out walking, you need a good harness and leash. If loose in a fence area, you need to make sure it is very secure.